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Kindergarten | I feared not finishing my lunch.

Primary School | I feared getting punished.

Little older | I feared of forgetting my homework.

Teenage years | I feared not being pretty.

As I got older | I feared of balancing studies and passion.

The first year of college | I feared flunking university.

The second year of college | I feared losing confidence.

The third year of college | I feared failure in love.

Final Year of college | I feared not getting a job.

Starting of career | I feared not being good at the job.

Liberty living | I feared whether I would make my folks proud.

Hunt for a partner | I feared of making a right decision.

While getting married | I feared going fat and losing hair.

When I quit | I feared never getting a job again.

While settling down | I feared of not being successful enough.

At the thought of starting a family | I fear never coming around the idea of having a kid. I fear the said fear will make me a bad parent.

As I get old | I fear time is running out.

Current State | I fear I haven’t lived my life yet.


The truth is, there will never be a time when you are not being fearful of something.

You continue living your life, amidst all these fears.

Fear will get to you only if you let it.


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Must Not Fail.”